Monday, July 25, 2011

Roasted Potatoes and Veggies

Provided by Debra Allebach from Chicago IL 
4 potatoes washed, cubed
1 onion, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
3 tablespoons Wildtree Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil
2 teaspoons Wildtree Rancher Steak Rub
Preheat oven to 350ºF. In a medium bowl, toss the vegetables with the Grapeseed Oil. Add 2 teaspoons of Rancher Steak Rub and stir. Spread the vegetables evenly onto a baking sheet with sides. Bake for 45-60 min

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Home made Croutons~ Wildtree style!

1 loaf bread, cut into small cubes
1/2 c.Wildtree Grapeseed Oil ( I used Garlic but use whatever flavor you love!)
1 tbsp. butter, melted
2 large garlic cloves, minced
1/3 c. grated Parmesan cheese
1-2 tbsp. dry or fresh parsley
1 teaspoon Wildtree Basil Pesto blend
pinch of salt

Combine ingredients (except bread). Using a pastry brush, brush both sides of slices with oil mix. Cut into small squares. Another way to make croutons is to cut the bread into squares first, then pour the seasoning mixture onto baking pan and stir the croutons to coat. To make sure all are coated, they can be sprayed very quickly with olive oil spray (do not use any other kind of spray).
Arrange in single layers on cookie sheets.

Bake at 300°F for 10-15 minutes or until golden and fragrant.

Works well with Caesar salad!
Use with the Wildtree Classic Caesar Dressing
Allow to cool and store in an airtight container. Keeps 4 weeks, or may be frozen for up to 6 months.